They Added new types of questions! What’s a hotspot question?
Yes, the PMP exam is not that same old challenge we have all known and loved anymore, nope, PMI added new types of questions just to give it that added flavor that no one has ever asked for.
In this blog we are giving you a sneak peek behind the scene, and we will be talking about the new question types added in 2021 which include a combination of multiple-choice (objective), multiple responses, matching, hotspot and fill-in-the-blank.
The first one is the easier one to explain, remember when you had to choose one answer out of 4 options, well this is going to be hard to say, but we’re just going to come out and say it, a new addition is questions having 5 options and you need to choose 2, and sometimes 3 of them as an answer , yes you heard us correctly you need to pick out 2 or more out of the 5 options as your answer, so if you thought PMI was trying to confuse you before, you know they are now, take this question for example:
- Q) During work on a government project, stakeholders pressure the project manager to submit to their preferred actions. While the project manager must coordinate and plan with multiple stakeholders, the project manager must also deal with complex relations and frequently changing scenarios.What should the project manager consider doing? (Choose two.)
- Use the Prioritization method of categorization.
- Use the Salience modelof categorization.
- Use the Transformation modelof categorization.
- Use the Transaction modelof categorization.
- Use the Collaborationmethod of categorization.
That question was taken from 200 questions PMI has sent us as ATPs (Authorized Training Partner), so it is an official question, for those of you who were wondering about the ingenuity of it, same for all the rest of the questions that were given in this blog as an example, do not worry we got you covered.
The next one is a weird one really, as this is completely new to the PMP exam it is a drag and drop question, where they will give you two list, the first are the answers, the second are the blank spaces that you have to fill out with those answers, now you might be thinking oh matching what are we second graders, but don’t let that fool you, because that being a matching question doesn’t make it any easier take this questions for example:
Now this is only a prototype question, so it is not a real one, but if you’re doing the PMP exam prepare yourself to face a drag and drop question.
The third is a not something we haven’t seen before, it just that it wasn’t in a PMP exam, we all have encountered fill in the blank type of question, some way or another, whether that was in school, college, or other tests we did, it is a very common type of question to face in the examination halls, and now it is here in the PMP exam take this question for example:
Q) During the Plan Risk Management process, assigning ……………………….. will help you and the project team identify all important risks and work more effectively during the identification process.
- Risk factors.
- Blame
- Risk mitigation plans.
- Risk categories.
Pretty self-explanatory, find the blank, choose the right answer to fill it, and you’re good to go.
And now the last but not least, and the reason you’re all here, the hotspot questions. Now what are these? To put it simply, you will have to do two parts to solve this question, the first is interacting with a graph to answer the question, the second part thinking or doing some calculations in order to know what to choose or edit in the given graph. Take these prototype questions for example:
Now as you can see here the two parts, is to do some thinking, and interacting with the graph itself. In the first question we need to edit the correct cell in the sheet, and in the second one we need to choose the right point where the cost will increase the most.
For now, everyone, these are the new question types that PMI has added, and we’ll keep you posted if any more types where added, or if anything else changes with PMP, so keep an eye out for our next blogs, and tell us if there is anything specific you want us to discuss, we’ll be happy to do the research for you, and discuss it thoroughly in our future articles or youtube videos.
See you on the next one!