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[1] Introduction to #NewPMP2021 Exam Prep using the PMP Student Manual and PMBOK7, WatershedPM

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Introduction to #NewPMP2021 Exam Prep using the PMP Student Manual and PMBOK7

[Video 1] Introduction to #NewPMP2021 Exam Prep Series by WatershedPM, Byte-size of the PMP Student Manual – PMP Underline Series

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This “PMP Underline” Series is meant to cover the complete PMP Student Manual that every student gets for exam preparation which is meant for the #NewPMP exam (50% Waterfall and 50% Agile) from January 2021. Overall the PMP Student manual (issued early 2021) has the 5 lessons which cover all the 3 domains: People, Process and Business environment. Each byte-size video covers one topic from the PMP student manual.

I have another series to talk about PMBOK Guide 7 Seventh edition. Subscribe to get notified when new videos get uploaded.

00:00 – Introduction about this PMP Underline Series
01:00 – How to benefit from this PMP Underline Series
01:59 – How to reach out to Us
02:14 – The three domains: People, Processes, Business Environment
02:41 – PMP Student Manual (PMP Authorized Exam Prep book) published by PMI
03:20 – The whole thing together

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Salahuddin Kazi, MSc.EE, PMP
PMI Authorized Instructor

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Hello 🙂

Thank you for visiting this channel. I’m excited to start this PMP underline series with you, and if you’re on your PMP exam preparation journey then you might find this series very useful. PMI has changed many things for the exam in 2021 and this includes issuing the new exam content outline, adding new exam questions format. They have also introduced a new book which is sometimes referred to as the student manual, and every student who takes the PMP training with one of the authorized training partners like Watershed Management Consulting will get an access to that student manual. This student manual has five lessons and these five lessons map to the three exam domains which are: People Processes and Business Environment. While PMI claims that your PMP exam will be from multiple sources, the student manual should be your go to book as you get prepared for your PMP exam.

The idea of this byte-size PMP underline series is to present the student manual to you in a manner in which you are familiar with how you experience your projects. Which is from initiating to planning to execution and so on. This cycle is true for both Waterfall or Agile projects and in Agile projects this cycle repeats multiple times over each iteration. Please keep in mind that this PMP underline series is not a replacement to your mandatory 35 hours of exam preparation training you are required to have through one of the authorized training partners.

One of the best ways that you can benefit from this series is to watch a bite-sized clip and then go into the student manual read that section in detail so that you’re able to understand better each topic as you go through your student manual.

If this sounds interesting to you, my name is Salahuddin Kazi, let’s get started …

There’s more than one way to reach out to us. You can visit our website or find us on Facebook and Twitter with our handle WatershedPM.

Let’s understand a little bit more about the domains and the lessons your PMP exam is going to be based on. The three domains, which are people processes and business environment. There are several tasks under these three domains which are listed in what is called as the Exam Content Outline (ECO). Your PMP exam is going to be based on the exam content outline and there are several tasks in the exam content outline which are from these three domains. So far so good! Now you know that you will get as a PMP student the student manual, which is a book published by PMI. This book has five lessons and on the screen using the color code you can map roughly each of the lessons to the three domains. So lesson one and lesson four will map to People domain. Lesson 2 and lesson 3 will map to the domain Processes and the last lesson lesson 5 is more about Business Environment.

As you read this book you will automatically be covering all of the tasks of the ECO. In this next slide we’ll try to put everything together. You know the three domains which are listed on the screen, People, Processes and Business Environment. Those are the three domains.

The same three domains are sort of distributed in the five lessons and the student manual basically will elaborate all of these topics under each of these lessons and collectively they’re all reflecting the same exam content outline. The best way to put it all together is to look at it like a hierarchy. As you go down in the hierarchy like in a Work Breakdown Structure, you have more and more details. Domains are three tags or three labels. ECO is a list of tasks and it’s a list!

However, PMP student manual is a book which further elaborates into detail each of the tasks. This is how you can put the whole thing together. And this is the book, the student manual, these are the five lessons from the book. And, this should be your go to book as you get prepared for the PMP exam. The better you understand everything that’s written in this book, the better you’re getting prepared for the PMP exam!!!

One of the best ways that you can benefit from this series is to watch a bite-sized clip and then go into the student manual, read that section in detail so that you’re able to understand better each topic as you go through your student manual.


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